Table of Contents

About Lexipedia

Lexipedia is an open-source project aimed at creating standardized business process models for legal and civic applications. Our goal is to make complex legal processes more transparent and understandable through visual modeling.

We're collaborating with lawyers, developers, and AI specialists to build a comprehensive library of legal processes, starting with business formation in Virginia.

Interactive Demo

Experience how Lexipedia simplifies legal processes. Try our interactive demo on starting a business in Virginia:

Live demo login with admin, password admin

Intended Audiences

- this is a demonstration of the processes available currently in Lexipedia

- looking at Lexipedia & Spiff Workflow from a business development perspective

- considering Lexipedia for lawyers and legal engineers

to help legal engineers create, coordinate, and distribute better business process automation.

*Project Overview *Quick Start Guide *Recent Updates *Community Guidelines

Jurisdictions being reviewed

Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

Charlottesville business startup model

Prospera, Roatan, Honduras


BPMN Models need to be added AI Models need to be added

Internal management plan


Integrations & Development To-dos

HATS integration - consider how users in pools actually represent their authority to act on a process